The water we do use has the same amount of pressure that comes out of our garden hose.
Here are a few key features that make our soft washing solutions stand out:
Our roof cleaning process doesn’t require any pressure because the chemicals we use do all the work.
The roof cleaning results we get last anywhere from four to six times longer than pressure washing.
You need to be careful about how you clean your roof to make sure you don’t cause accidental damage. Our roof cleaning services stand out from traditional power washing because we use chemicals instead of pressure to get rid of dirt, dust, pollen, mold, bird nests, and other contaminants staining your roof.
“We used Safely Softwash to clean both our roof and outdoor pavers around the pool. Both turned out amazing and the house got the summer spruce up it needed. They went above and beyond, and the results were better than I expected.”
–Liz (Google review)
If you want a clean roof without degrading your shingles, soft washing is the way to go. To learn more, contact us!